Our bill to prohibit motorcycle only checkpoints in Virginia now has a number. It is House Bill 187 (HB 187). This Bill is being carried by Delegate Todd Gilbert (DelTGilbert@house.virginia.gov). You can follow the history of this bill throughout the session and read the text of it at the following link:
When the bill is assigned to committee I will forward the contact information for all members of the committee so that anyone who wishes to contact the committee members may.
HB 97, our bill to remove Virginia’s prohibition against two motorcycles being ridden side by side has been referred to the House Transportation Committee. The membership on that committee has not yet been established. The members currently listed on the General Assembly website are last years. As soon as the current committee membership is made available I will post it. You can follow the history of HB 97 throughout the session and read the text of it at the following link:
As we receive additional information on any legislation affecting motorcyclists we will immediately pass it along. I hope to see you at Lobby Day weekend.