These are sayings out of the book Sit Down, Shut Up & Hang On!

A biker's guide to life.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Jim and I have been at the Capitol non-stop.  We were informed by one delegate that we should concentrate on the penalty because there is concern about a full repeal of the prohibition. We discussed this with our patron Delegate Wilt.  All three of us are in agreement that we should press on with full repeal due to the fact that all of the safety concerns mentioned are hypotheticals that have been proven to be without merit in the 48 states that allow motorcyclists to ride side by side.  We have also pointed out that the vast majority of motorcyclists only ride two abreast when they need to communicate with a fellow rider (I need gas, your saddle bag is open, get off on the next exit)
That being said, there are 22 members on the Committee.  Jim and I have secured promises of support from 11.  Your emails have been extremely helpful.  Several of the legislative aides have stressed the importance of having as many motorcyclists at the committee meeting as possible.  I am therefore asking that anyone who can take the time to come to committee do so.  I am also asking that you dress so as to be immediately recognizable as a motorcyclist.  I will be in a tie in case I have to speak although debate has already been had in sub-committee.  However we want everyone else to be in motorcycle attire.  The bill is scheduled to be heard Tuesday afternoon.  That is January the 24th.  The committee meets one half hour after session ends so I would plan on 1:00 p.m.  The General Assembly building is located at 9th and Broad Street in Richmond.  There are parking garages at 6th  St. between Grace and Franklin as well as at 8th and Clay St.  The House committee rooms are on the first floor to the right after you pass through the metal detectors. 
This is an opportunity to show our legislators that we are an active and engaged part of the electorate.  This is a tough committee for us but if we get out we are very comfortable with our chances in the full House.  If you are able to make it please contact me so that I have an idea as to how many we can expect. 
As for HB 187 (Motorcycle Only Checkpoints), it is scheduled to be heard in sub-committee on Wednesday at 7:00 a.m.  So far we have received nothing but support for that bill. 
For those who are new to the list I apologize for the frequency of emails. This happens every year during session due to the frantic nature of the process of marshaling a bill through the General Assembly. That being said, the efforts of every Virginia motorcyclist helps and without everyone reading this we would be much less effective. I promise that once session ends we will go back to our regularly scheduled program. 
Thank you again and I hope to see you on January 24th at 1:00 p.m.
Matt Danielson
McGrath & Danielson
Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group

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