HB187 (Prohibition Against Motorcycle Only Checkpoints) reported out of
the House Transportation Committee to the full House by a vote of 20-1.
The only dissent was Delegate Robert H. Brink (DelRBrink@house.virginia.gov
) who represents parts of Arlington
and Fairfax .
Even though the State Police testified that they do not take a position on this
bill because such checkpoints would violate their policy, would be unfair and
very well may be illegal, Delegate Brink still voted against this bill.
That means that instead of going to the house in a block with other uncontested
bills, HB187 will go on the regular calendar.
That being said it still enjoys strong support in the House of
Delegates and we believe it will pass and move on to the Senate. However
let’s not take anything for granted. I have included the email
addresses of all members of the House in case you have not yet voiced your
support for this piece of legislation.(see email address's in previous post)
I have received requests from several legislative aids that you include
your name and address on any emails that you send. It helps them in
breaking down emails from constituents which they must do. Otherwise they
have to go check your name against the voter rolls in their districts.
HB97 (Two Abreast) will be on its second reading tomorrow. This
is where the bill will be debated on the House floor. If you would like
to watch the debate you can go to the following link: http://legis.virginia.gov/
To the right of the screen you will see quick links. Click on
“House Session Live Video” to watch the session live. Session
starts at noon. We will report the vote when we receive it.
Matt Danielson