October 2, 2013
need some help from Virginia motorcyclists. Particularly I am asking
help from those in the Northern Virginia area. I have received a
complaint from a motorcyclist concerning personal property taxes on
motorcycles in Alexandria. According to this person, the City of
Alexandria requires that your vehicle carry a decal showing that you
paid your personal property tax. Each year the decal changes color.
According to this person, each August the city sends out invoices to the
motor vehicle owners. The invoice for cars and trucks apparently
includes that year’s decal. However, according to this person, the
invoice for motorcycles does not include the decal. You must first pay
the tax and then contact the city for your decal afterwards. If this is
true then it is troublesome. I do not have an issue with the city
wanting to ensure that taxes owed are in fact paid. I do have an issue
with motorcyclists being treated differently than other motor vehicle
owners. If this report is indeed true, it would seem that the City of
Alexandria is saying that motorcyclists are less responsible and trust
worthy than other motor vehicle owners. Additionally, it forces
motorcyclists to go through an additional bureaucratic step in order to
legally own their motor vehicle.
If you are aware of this practice please contact me. Additionally, if
you live in Alexandria and have not experienced this I would appreciate
hearing from you as well. Before I contact the city I want to make sure
I have all of the facts straight. Thank you in advance for any help
that you can provide.
Matt Danielson
McGrath & Danielson
Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group