These are sayings out of the book Sit Down, Shut Up & Hang On!

A biker's guide to life.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Proposed DMV Changes Are Friendly to Motorcyclists -

Especially Military Ones

January 24, 2013  We were at the House Transportation Committee meeting this morning in order to make sure that there were no issues with HB 1476, which as amended gives the Virginia Rider Training Program more control over which motorcycles may be used in the course.  That bill passed unanimously and goes to the full House on the uncontested calendar.  You may follow the progress of that bill at

While there, the committee took up a large bill having to do with DMV customer service.  The bill was HB 2042 ( To my surprise, this large bill had buried within it two matters that impact motorcyclists, particularly those in the military.  We had not caught this bill due to the name of the bill.  We watch all of the legislation which is filed to identify those that impact motorcyclists.  Due to the nature of the bill as described we failed to catch this one. 

The first thing this bill does that impacts motorcyclists has to do with temporary motorcycle endorsements.  Under current law, if you take the DMV approved course, or, while stationed outside of the Commonwealth, take a course approved by the United States Armed Services, your completion card is your motorcycle endorsement for 30 days to give you time to get a permanent license at DMV.  No further testing is required.  In part, this bill amends the Code to allow for the certificate of completion from any course approved by the United States Armed Services, be it within or without the Commonwealth, to do the same.  You must be a military member, spouse or dependent. 

The second thing that this bill does, while not specifically aimed at the military, is correct an issue which impacts many military members.  Under current law, if you want to stop your motor vehicle insurance while not using your vehicle, you need to cancel your registration and turn in your tag.  If you don’t, your license will be suspended for having a non-insured motor vehicle.  Additionally, when you get new insurance it will most likely be high-risk.  In order to re-register your motor vehicle you need to go back to the DMV and have it registered.  Imagine the pain that is for a military member who is being deployed long term and does not wish to continue paying insurance. 

This bill in part provides for a method to deactivate your registration.  This will be able to be done online.  When you wish to re-activate you simply pay a $10.00 fee.  It is also envisioned that this also will be able to be done online.  So if you are deployed, you simply go on line and deactivate.  You can then cancel your insurance.  When you return you re-activate.  This will also be helpful to those motorcyclists who do not ride during cold weather.  (Although I know none of you on this list fall into that category).

We will now monitor this bill as well.  It passed out of committee unanimously and is not expected to receive any opposition. 

As always if you have any questions concerning this article or any other matters upon which I have written please feel free to contact me at, or 1-800-321-8968. 

Matt Danielson
McGrath & Danielson
Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

HB 2010 - Helmet Reform

While in recent years we have fought some hard fights and won, I am saddened to say that today is not such a day.  HB 2010, our bill to allow adults to choose whether or not to wear a helmet, was laid on the table in sub-committee on a 4-2 vote.  That means that the bill is dead for the year.  Had it been killed on an up or down vote it would still go before the whole committee.  However, being that it was laid on the table, no action was taken and the bill simply remains in sub-committee with no further action.  The votes to lay the bill on the table were cast by Delegate John Cox, Delegate Scott Garrett, Delegate Betsy Carr and Delegate Barbara Comstock.  The Votes against doing so were cast by Delegates Anderson and Minchew. 
The truly disappointing part of this is that we had the votes this year.  Over the summer, fall and into the winter we had built a majority in the House and Senate.  We had the votes to send it to the governor.  That is most likely why the Speaker of the House, either on his own or at the request of someone else, had the bill sent to Transportation rather than Militia, Police, and Public Safety where it has traditionally gone.  The chairman of Transportation, Chairman May, despises our bill.  Even when both our patron, who is a sub-committee chairman on Militia, and the chairman of Militia himself asked for it to be re-referred the speaker refused. 
We still had a chance if we could get to a decent sub-committee but that was already destined as well.  Even with friends fighting to get our bill to a friendly sub-committee, our bill was sent to the worst possible sub-committee.  And to cement our understanding that our bill was sent there to die, Chairman May came in to watch the vote to ensure that what he wanted to happen did in fact happen. 
That is in a nutshell what happened to HB 2010.  There are a few positives to take away.  We made some new relationships that we can continue to grow.  It will be important to maintain those relationships and keep our majority so that we can take advantage of future opportunities as they may arise.  It will also be important to continue to increase memberships in our SMROs, and to continue to raise money so that we will have the ability to not only take advantage of future opportunities, but come election time, oppose those who opposed us.  We need to let them know that votes have consequences. 
I want to thank everyone who put in time sending emails, raising money, talking to neighbors, and going to the capitol.  There is no other group of people I would rather fight with, win or lose, than you.  I will close with an excerpt from a speech by Theodore Roosevelt which I have heard many times over the years.  I heard it most recently at an MRF conference.  The speech, entitled “Citizen in a Republic”, was delivered in Paris France in 1910.  This portion has often been dubbed “The Man in the Arena”
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
-          Theodore Roosevelt
Matt Danielson
McGrath & Danielson
Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lobby Day Up Date

For those who could not make it to Lobby Day, I will reiterate what we discussed Sunday.  We are getting procedurally screwed at the General Assembly.  We have historically gone to the Militia, Police and Public Safety Committee.  That is a friendly committee.  This year we were put in the Transportation Committee which is much less friendly.  The chairman of Militia & Police could not even get us moved to his committee.  The aggravating thing is we have enough votes on the House floor to get the bill to the Senate, and as of this morning, we have a 22-18 majority on the Senate floor.  We have made more head way this year than ever before.  We have turned some good relationships into great ones and have made some new and very important relationships as we move on.  Our lobbying team has been fantastic to work with and has put us in the best position we have ever been in to prevail.  That is what makes the procedural moves of a few individuals so aggravating.
As of now, we do not have the votes to prevail in subcommittee.  Remember that we were sent here to be defeated.  Even if we do not prevail it is still possible to get to full committee.  In full committee we have a potential 13-9 victory if all of the stars align.  Your help is necessary to make that happen. 
The bill will be heard in sub-committee tomorrow Wednesday January 23 at 7:00 a.m. on the 4th floor of the General Assembly Building in the 4th floor West conference room.  Tom, Jim, Martin and I will be there.  Anyone is welcome to join us.  That being said, if you can make one day it is most important that you make the full committee hearing which should be Thursday January 24 at 8:30 a.m. in House Room C.  We need as many people as possible.  This is extremely important.  The General Assembly building is located at 9th and Broad Street in Richmond.  There are parking garages at 6th St. between Grace and Franklin as well as at 8th and Clay St.  The House committee rooms are on the first floor to the right after you pass through the metal detectors.  It is important that you are in your seats by 8:00 a.m. so that we can have the front rows and be seen by the committee members.  Make sure that you are easily recognized as a motorcyclist. 
This is an opportunity to show our legislators that we are an active and engaged part of the electorate.  This is a tough committee for us but if we get out we are very comfortable with our chances in the full House.  If you are able to make it please contact me so that I have an idea as to how many we can expect.
Likewise let’s get the emails rolling to all of the members of the transportation committee.  Keep hitting the same points that we have been hitting.  This is not a question of should you wear a helmet.  It is a question of should the law take that choice away from you and force you to do so.   Remind them that over the past twenty years the trend has been for states to allow their citizens to make their own choices.  We are now to the point where Virginia is one of 19 states that do not trust their citizens to make appropriate choices for themselves.  If all of the horror stories were true, these states would be re-enacting mandatory helmet laws.  However, the opposite is happening.  More and more states are seeing that this is truly an issue of personal choice.  The members of the Transportation Committee are listed below my signature line.  Email each and every one. 
Thank you again for all that you do for motorcycling.  I look forward to seeing you Thursday morning.  Also please watch your emails tomorrow for important updates. 
Matt Danielson
McGrath & Danielson
Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Legislation of Interest to Virginia Motorcyclists

  January 15, 2013 

I am happy to report that you may now view all of this years proposed legislation of interest to Virginia motorcyclists at the new and improved Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists (VCOM) website.  Simply go to to view the new website.  To view the bills select the “Bills of Interest” tab at the top bar.  There you can read the bill summaries and find links to the actual legislation.

As the session moves ahead I will send out alerts as to the status of each piece of legislation so that you can follow the status and contact your legislators should you be so inclined.  I will also put out notices of important committee meetings that you may wish to attend.

We will discuss each of these bills at the Lobby Day prep session this Sunday.  As a reminder, this Sunday January 20, from 1:00 p.m. until we get through, VCOM lobbyists will lead an informational meeting at the Wyndham Richmond Airport Hotel, 4700 S. Laburnum Avenue Richmond, VA 23231 to discuss this year's legislation affecting motorcyclists. We will also discuss how to talk to your legislators about these issues in case you have never done that.  Later that evening, attendees will enjoy a free homemade BBQ dinner made by Stewart Newton and provided by several Virginia Motorcycle Rights Organizations including ABATE of Virginia and the Virginia Bikers Association.

On Monday the 21st, we leave the Wyndham at 8:00 a.m. sharp for our annual trip to the Capitol. After lobbying our legislators we will attend the opening of the House of Delegates daily session and be recognized from the floor.  Afterwards, Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group will take everyone to Penny Lane Pub for lunch as a thank you for coming to support Virginia motorcyclists.

Thank you for supporting Virginia motorcyclists. 

Matt Danielson
McGrath & Danielson
Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Charlotte Progressive International Motorcycle Show | Charlotte, NC | Feb 22–24

Here are just a few of the features they are promoting, click the headers below to see more info:

MotoGP Experience

Confirmed  bikes include: Ben Spies #11 Yamaha 1000cc Nicky Hayden #69 Ducati Corse 1000cc Aaron Yates #20 GP Tech Suzuki 1000cc Colin Edwards #5 NGM For...

Cycles Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show

  Featuring the world’s leading customized bikes and offering the largest prize purse of any builder competition on earth, the Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show Presented by J&P Cycles offers you direct...

Street Jam

The XDL Street Jam is a competition-themed demonstration of motorcycle skill performed by the top athletes from the XDL Championship Series. It will include several head-to-head formats in which two riders battle each other in things such as circle w...


New for the 2012-2013 Progressive International Motorcycle show is the Suzuki Sweepstakes. Right now Suzuki has put up not just one, but two customized 2012 GSX-1300R Hayabusas. Be sure to stop by the Suzuki Sweepstakes booth and enter for your chanc...

Pit Stop Challenge Presented by Geico Motorcycle AMA Pro Road Racing

Prize Giveaway Sponsors: Pit Bull Moto Stands Scala Rider MotoBatt Cortech Performance Daytona International Speedway AMA Pro Racing Motorcycle Superstore Sunoco Sadd...


The Aftermarket - What's the best part about purchasing a new bike? Continuing the moto-shopping spree by buying all of the little extras you need to stay safe, customize and personalize your ride! In the Marketplace, you’ll find a collecti...

Rider Protection Project Presented by Allstate

The Rider Protection Project Presented by Allstate is a new feature for the 2012-2013 International Motorcycle Show and will be at all tour stops. Make sure that you stop by Allstate's  booth to pick up a scavenger hunt card. There wll be s...


The International Motorcycle Show is a great place to take the bike you've always wanted out on a ride. Demo rides at the International Motorcycle Show are no-pressure and hassle free, so you can get to experience what it would be like on that ne..

Fashion Show

Ducati kicks off its wildly popular fashion show in New York City, Indianapolis, and in Long Beach. This is an exclusive chance to see the new 2013 fashion lineup up close and person. There's plenty of fast action, cameras, loud music, and a coup...


RedBull will be part of the 2012-2013 Progressive International Motorcycle Show tour in select locations. RedBull will have a DJ spinning killer beats and be accompanied by and entourage of the famous RedBull girls handing out free RedBull drinks. Th...

Monday, January 14, 2013

HB 2010, our bill to give choice to motorcyclists age 21 and over has been assigned to the Transportation Committee.  It has historically gone to Militia Police and Public Safety which is a committee much more inherently disposed to pass this legislation.  Despite our attempts, and despite the attempts of our patron who has worked hard to get it there, the bill has been assigned to Transportation.  This makes it more difficult – but not impossible – to get the bill to the full floor. 
The following Delegates have been supporters and would be inclined or have already promised to support this bill.  I would urge you to send email to them thanking them for their past support and urging their support for this bill.  If you are a constituent let them know.  If you know any constituents have them send letters.  I have attached a thank you letter that you may use as a template or outright copy.
Delegate Anderson       
Delegate Comstock      
Delegate Cosgrove       
Delegate Habeeb          
Delegate Hugo              
Delegate Minchew       
Delegate E. Scott          
Delegate Villanueva     
Delegate Yancey          
That gives us nine out of twenty-two votes.  Here are the remaining members that we need to work on.  Again if you are a constituent it is even more critical to reach out to them.  If you are not a constituent but know one than have them email them.  Either way let’s get the emails going.  I have attached a support letter that you may use as a template or outright copy.
Delegate Bacote           
Delegate Carr               
Delegate J. Cox            
Delegate Dudenhefer    
Delegate Filler-Corn    
Delegate Garrett           
Delegate McQuinn       
Delegate Rust               
Delegate Tata               
Delegate Toscano         
Delegate Ward              
You may notice that I have left Chairman May off of this list.  I would ask that you not email him.  He opposes this bill for personal reasons.  Emails to him will only deepen position and more importantly bring him personal discomfort.  Out of respect I would ask that you not email him. 
OK we know what to do.  Let’s get the emails rolling and get this bill to the floor. 
Matt Danielson
McGrath & Danielson
Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Rallies and Events for 2013

April 4th - 7th 2013
SCRC Spring Rally,   Millington Tn,

April 20/2013
Charlottesville and Shenandoah Chapters will be hosting the Meet & Greet.
Quality Inn in Staunton. We have a great rate if we can book enough rooms early enough. Rate is $55 + tax. Hotel: Quality Inn, 96 Baker Ln, Staunton VA 24401, Phone # 540-248-5111, exit 225 off of Interstate 81.
Price of room is $ 55.00 per night plus taxes. when S.C.RC members call ask for the S.CR.C Meet and Greet for the Discount, the cut off date is April 9,2013. The Members can use my cell phone # and call me if they have trouble which is 434 825 7823.

May 31,June 1,2 2013
2nd Annual
West Virginia State Rally
Wild & Wonderful West Virginia is going to do it again!
We are in the planning stages and this rally will be better than last year. We will have multiple rides, including another ladies only ride, biker games, bonfires, laughter, music,and there is word that:
Registration goes on line the first of the year.
Host Hotel, Days Motel 1.2 miles from Holly Gray Park. 304-765-5055
Sutton Lanes 304-765-7351 Microtel,Sutton,Wv 304-364-6100

May 30th thru Jun 2nd, 2013
Tennessee State Rally for 2013 will be hosted in Cookeville, TN.  The host Hotel will be the Clarion Inn. The phone number is 1-931-526-7125. The room rate is $57.00 + tax.

June 20-23, 2013
TENNESSEE RIDGE RUNNER.  Holiday Inn in Johnson City, TN.

August 2,3 &4, 2013

Virginia SCRC State Rally Will be hosted Apple Valley. Culpeper and Rappahannock chapters set for first weekend in August 2013.

September 18th thru 22nd, 2013
The National Rally for 2013 will be hosted by Texas. The location will be in Kerrville, Texas and will be on September 18th thru 22nd, 2013. The host Hotel will be the Y.O. Ranch Hotel 2033 Sidney Baker Kerville, Texas 78028. The code for making reservations online will be: SCRC0913. The phone number is 1-877-967-3767. The room rate is $89.00 + tax. More information will be coming soon.

Legislation Concerning Motorcycle Training in Virginia January 5, 2013

It is that time of the year.  The Virginia General Assembly will convene next week.  This year is a short session.  It is 45 days long.  We have our first piece of legislation which impacts motorcycling in Virginia, and the training program in particular.  It is HB 1476 introduced by Delegate Ed Scott of Culpepper Virginia.

Delegate Scott is usually very friendly to motorcyclists but we do have a disagreement about this particular piece of legislation.  It has been introduced at the request of Harley Davidson and amends Virginia Code to relax the rules on the type of motorcycles which may be used in the Virginia Rider Training Program.  I can better explain this bill with a short history.

Nine years ago the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclist actively worked a bill to allow for the training program to be taught at private sites.  The idea was to have more sites and therefore make training available to more people.  It is our belief that training and education is the bedrock foundation of motorcycle safety.  Part of this legislation defined the types of motorcycles which may be used in the program.  The current code requires that the motorcycles must meet the following three criteria: (i) an engine displacement of no more than 500 cubic centimeters, (ii) a weight of less than 400 pounds, and (iii) is equipped with a seat whose height will accommodate each novice rider course participant.

This year it was noticed that there was a grammatical error in the statute that provided that the site must have only one such bike.  We currently have a bill to fix that issue requiring one compliant bike per student.  We were then contacted by Harley Davidson.   They want to amend the code to require that the seat height must be 30 inches or less, and further require that the motorcycles need only meet two out of the three criteria.  Their explanation was that this was the MRF requirement followed by almost every other state.  The other explanation was that they have a training bike coming out in 2014 that does not meet Virginia’s current criteria.  When asked what it was about the new bike that does not meet Virginia’s current criteria they refused to tell us citing proprietary information.  We certainly found it difficult to work with Harley on this matter by agreeing to a change in Virginia code to accommodate a motorcycle about which we know nothing.

In an attempt to work with Harley we contacted numerous states which do in fact have the standard suggested by Harley.  We learned from various states that the standard was put into place nearly ten years ago with input from Harley Davidson in order to accommodate the Buell Blast as a training bike.  However, the majority of those states that use those criteria also have the administrative power to reject a motorcycle as being inappropriate for their rider training program even if it meets the MRF criteria.  Our program has no such power.

It is VCOM’s position that HB1476 should not be passed, but instead should be referred to the committee on unconventional motor vehicles.  (I know that motorcycles are not an unconventional motor vehicle but we did not invent nor name the committee).  This is a committee made of training program staff, VCOM, dealers, DMV and State Police.  Together we should be able to craft sensible criteria that protects the integrity of the training program and gives it more power to determine the types of motorcycles which are appropriate to safely train students.  As I stated before, it is VCOM’s position that crash avoidance is the key to motorcycle safety.  That begins and ends with sound, appropriate and safe training.

As this piece of legislation moves ahead and is assigned to a committee I will send updates to keep you abreast of its progress.  Additionally, remember that Lobby Day is Monday January 21.  On Sunday January 20, from 1:00 p.m. until we get through, VCOM lobbyists will lead an informational meeting at the Wyndham Richmond Airport Hotel, 4700 S. Laburnum Avenue Richmond, VA 23231 to discuss this year's legislation affecting motorcyclists. We will also discuss how to talk to your legislators about these issues in case you have never done that.  Later that evening, attendees will enjoy a free homemade BBQ dinner made by Stewart Newton and provided by several Virginia motorcycle rights organizations including ABATE of Virginia and the Virginia Bikers Association.

On Monday 21st, we leave the Wyndham at 8:00 a.m. sharp for our annual trip to the Capitol. After lobbying our legislators, we will attend the opening of the House of Delegates daily session and be recognized from the floor.  Afterwards, Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group will take everyone to Penny Lane Pub for lunch as a thank you for coming to support Virginia Motorcyclists.

As always if you have any questions or concerns about this matter please feel free to contact me. I hope to see everyone at this year’s Lobby Day.

Matt Danielson
McGrath & Danielson
Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group

SCRC Family