These are sayings out of the book Sit Down, Shut Up & Hang On!

A biker's guide to life.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


The Third Annual Bikes on the Border 
Bristol Virginia 
April 10 – 12, 2015
The Third Annual Bikes on the Border will be held April 10 - 12, 2015 in Bristol, Virginia.  The host hotel is the Holiday Inn Bristol Conference Center at 3005 Linden Dr., Bristol, VA 24202.  Room rates are $85.00.  Call 276-466-4100 for reservations and ask for the Bikes on the Border rate.  A block of rooms has been set aside for the conference.  An earlier email had identified Danville, Virginia as the likely venue for this year’s conference; however we were not able to work out satisfactory accommodations in Danville.  We are happy to have been able to do so in Bristol.

There is a $25.00 registration fee for the conference.  Registration includes a t-shirt and a ticket to the banquet Saturday night.  Walk-ins are welcome at the conference, but those who register will have guaranteed seating.  Additionally, only registrants will receive a banquet ticket and t-shirt.

Registration forms can be found at the following link:

In order to register by mail, send a $25.00 check made payable to McGrath & Danielson, along with a completed registration form to McGrath & Danielson, PO Box 5424, Richmond, VA 23220.  You may also register using PayPal at the following link:

The actual conference will take place on Saturday, April 11, 2015.  While we are still finalizing the agenda, we know that there will be sessions on the following topics:

-           The Constitution and how to make it work for you
-           Your bike is wrecked and it’s not your fault.  Now what?
-           A roundtable discussion among all attendees on issues of importance to
            motorcyclists in your state.

Once the agenda has been finalized we will send it out.  We are currently waiting for confirmation from several possible presenters.  In addition to Saturday’s agenda, Sunday, April 12th will feature an accident scene management class.  The class focuses on caring for injured riders at an accident scene and how to do so while maintaining the safety of both the injured and the aiding.

This year’s banquet will feature a silent auction and a 50/50 with all proceeds going to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation.  If you have items for the silent auction please contact Rob Griffin at

If you can make the conference, plan to arrive Friday evening for fellowship over a few beverages in the hospitality room.  This year’s hospitality room is being sponsored by the Virginia Bikers Association (VABA).   We hope to see you there and are looking forward to another interesting and productive Bikes on the Border.
Matt Danielson
McGrath & Danielson
Tom McGrath's Motorcycle Law Group

SCRC Family